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Destination Medical Center (DMC)

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Intended to bring to Rochester, Olmsted County and Minnesota private investment in excess of $5.6 billion: • Seeks to create at least 35,000 new jobs in Minnesota and bring tax revenue in excess of $7 billion to the State • Intended to give prospective employees,patients and visitors substantial reason to consider Rochester their ‘destination’.

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Project Impact(s): Arts & Culture, Economic Development, Housing, Sustainability, Transportation, Workforce Development, Vision/Identity

This project is in Available Phase.

  • Please scroll the following to view Beam's understanding of the project's strategy, indicators, expected results, and monitored metrics.
  • Please click this Link to get to the mainline view of the project.


Collaborators, Project Type, Impacts, Related Projects



Lead Organization: DMC EDA

Contact: Patrick Seeb ; Email: TBD ; Phone: TBD

Known/Likely Collaborators: City of Rochester, MN ; County of Olmsted, MN ; DMC EDA ; Mayo Clinic ; Rochester-Area Economic Development Inc (RAEDI) ; Rochester-area Chamber of Commerce ; Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation

Potential Collaborators:

Related Projects

Age-Friendly Olmsted County (AFOC) Plan ; America's City for Health ; Chateau Theater ; Coalition for Rochester Area Housing ; Community Health Assessment Process ; DMC Dashboard ; Discovery Walk Co-designing ; Heart of the City Peace Plaza Public Realm ; Journey to Growth Plan ; LINK - Bus Rapid Transit ; Mayo Clinic Bold Forward Unbound ; Planning To Succeed: Rochester 2040 Comprehensive Plan (P2S) ; Saint Marys Place: Holiday Inn Project ; Sustainability and Resiliency Action Plan ; University of Minnesota, Rochester Master Plan


Major Impact:  Economic Development

PlanScape Impacts :

Level 1: Arts & Culture, Economic Development, Housing, Sustainability, Transportation, Workforce Development, Vision/Identity

Level 2: Best Practice, Business Process, Livable City, Hotel & Hospitality, Retail, Dining & Entertainment, Arts & Culture, Technology, Health & Wellness, Education/Learning Environment, Sports, Recreation, Nature, Heart of the City, Discovery Square, UMR and Recreation, Central Station

DMC Impacts:

Livable City, Hotel & Hospitality, Arts & Culture, Technology, Health & Wellness, Education/Learning Environment, Sports, Recreation, Nature

Community Health Impacts:

Type of Project




Detailed Description

Hot Links:         

Live Stream DMC Blog    

BEAM DMC Plan Portal





2020 Plan Updates




2020 Plan





1. Create a comprehensive strategic plan with a compelling vision that harnesses the energy and creativity of the entire community.

2: Leverage the public investment to attract more than $5 billion in private investment to Rochester and the region.

3. Create approximately 35,000 – 45,000 new jobs, with workforce development strategies that support that growth.

4. Generate approximately $7.5 - $8.0 billion in new net tax revenue over 35 year. 

5. Achieve the highest quality patient, companion, visitor, employee, and resident experience, now and in the future.

DMC 2019 Workplan

Per November 2018  DMCC Board Meeting: DMC 2019 Workplan  



2016 Work Plan

Click to view fullscreen

Drive subplans

DMC Heart of the City ; Discovery Square Feasibility Study   Transportation: DMC Transportation Framework 


Expected Results

First Phase (2020) Summary of  Results  as reported per DMC Second Phase Forward report. 

New Jobs

Rochester added approximately 7,700 positions over the past five years, with growth concentrated in healthcare and additional jobs added in retail, hospitality, research and office segments. More than 80 percent of the new jobs paid more than Rochester’s Area Median Income of approximately $75,000. More local women and minority owned businesses are needed to fulfill the DMC vision and the project is on track to meet its 2035 jobs goal.

New Investment

Private investment during Phase 1 exceeded goal and totaled $963 million, which leveraged $98 million of public investment, including TIF funds. In all sectors except hotels, actual buildouts exceeded planned square footage. Projections indicate strong Phase 2 public funding while the impact of COVID-19 will influence how private investment occurs in 2020-2024.

New Tax Revenue

Phase 1 programs and investments delivered a tax revenue impact equal to roughly 12 percent of the goal, ahead of projections. New job creation has been the main driver of increased tax revenue. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on future tax revenue projections is being analyzed. DMC is working with the city and other collaborators to update the relevant economic models and projections.

Plans and Prototypes

To create the DMC Development Plan, DMC EDA recruited a group of the nation’s leading development and planning consultants to work in collaboration with the City of Rochester, Olmsted County, Mayo Clinic and community stakeholders. More detailed planning exercises with numerous organizations have also occurred, focused particularly on public realm planning, mobility options, housing needs and downtown energy district planning.

Transforming Experiences

The DMC team forged new partnerships with a range of community stakeholders to advance DMC’s core goal of delivering the highest quality patient, visitor and community member experience now and in the future. The “When in Rochester” app and a new RDA Ambassadors program grew out of ongoing efforts to ease stress for visiting patients and their companions and improve their stay experience from arrival through shift from clinical care to free time and end-of-day activities.



September 26, 2019 Updates




Outcome Indicators

Economic-Fiscal Projections/Analysis 

  1. Increases in Jobs
  2. Increases in Visitation
  3. Increase in Income, Property, Sales, Hotel-Motel and Other Taxes  
  4. Estimated Indirect Benefits (e.g. jobs, tax base, etc

Other Economic Indicators:

  1. Increases in Median Income (Above Inflationary Rates)
  2. Increases in Work Force Population Living in City/County
  3. Increases of the Gross Regional Product (GRP) 
  4. Increases in Targeted Business/Industry Sector

Real Estate Indicators:

  1. Number of Building Permits
  2. Property Tax Collection
  3. Hotel Occupancy/ADR
  4. Commercial Rental/Sales Data (e.g. Occupancies, Rental Rates, etc.)
  5. Retail Rental/Sales Data (e.g. Occupancies, Rental Rates, etc.)
  6. Residential Home Sales Data §Residential Rental Data (e.g. Occupancies, Rental Rates, etc.

Other Indicators:

  1. Number/Attendance at Conventions, Exhibitions and Other Events at Mayo Civic Center
  2. Visitation to Downtown
  3. Transit Ridership


Note: above Information based on DMC Plan Draft Section 2.4 Metrics, Measurements and On-going reporting



1st Phase High Level  Summary of  Indicators and Measures Per DMC Second Phase Forward


New Jobs

Rochester added approximately 7,700 positions over the past five years, with growth concentrated in healthcare and additional jobs added in retail, hospitality, research and office segments. More than 80 percent of the new jobs paid more than Rochester’s Area Median Income of approximately $75,000. More local women and minority owned businesses are needed to fulfill the DMC vision and the project is on track to meet its 2035 jobs goal.

New Investment

Private investment during Phase 1 exceeded goal and totaled $963 million, which leveraged $98 million of public investment, including TIF funds. In all sectors except hotels, actual buildouts exceeded planned square footage. Projections indicate strong Phase 2 public funding while the impact of COVID-19 will influence how private investment occurs in 2020-2024.

New Tax Revenue

Phase 1 programs and investments delivered a tax revenue impact equal to roughly 12 percent of the goal, ahead of projections. New job creation has been the main driver of increased tax revenue. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on future tax revenue projections is being analyzed. DMC is working with the city and other collaborators to update the relevant economic models and projections.

Plans and Prototypes

To create the DMC Development Plan, DMC EDA recruited a group of the nation’s leading development and planning consultants to work in collaboration with the City of Rochester, Olmsted County, Mayo Clinic and community stakeholders. More detailed planning exercises with numerous organizations have also occurred, focused particularly on public realm planning, mobility options, housing needs and downtown energy district planning.

Transforming Experiences

The DMC team forged new partnerships with a range of community stakeholders to advance DMC’s core goal of delivering the highest quality patient, visitor and community member experience now and in the future. The “When in Rochester” app and a new RDA Ambassadors program grew out of ongoing efforts to ease stress for visiting patients and their companions and improve their stay experience from arrival through shift from clinical care to free time and end-of-day activities.


Metrics per Nov. 2, 2017 DMCC Meeting


Full Screen




Per April 27. 2017 DMCC Board Meeting.


Full Screen View



Beam DMC Portal



Key reports on: Destination Medical Center (DMC)

1H 2024 Destination Medical Center (May 24, 2024)

May 2024 DMCC Board Meeting and City, County, DMC Joint Meeting

Feb 2024 DMCC Board Meeting

Read more ...

Destination Medical Center (DMC) Investment Metrics Slow Down Trend (February 12, 2024)

Feb 1, 2024 DMCC Board Meeting

Private investment metrics Slide

Video Clip

PB Reporting

Read more ...

2H 2023 Destination Medical Center (DMC) Meeting Informaiton (December 13, 2023)

November DMCC Meeting Info 

September DMCC Meeting Info

May DMCC Meeting Info 

Read more ...

Destination Medical Center 3Q 2023 Reports (October 01, 2023)
1. September 2023 DMCC Board Meeting:

2. Meeting Package,

3. Meeting Slides,

4. Video Recording 

5. Breakouts

Read more ...

1Q 2023 Destination Medical Center (DMC) Reports (March 23, 2023)

March 2023 Executive Committee Meeting;

Feb 9 2023 DMCC Board Meeting and City, County, DMC Collaborative Session

Read more ...

Destination Medical Center (DMC) (November 12, 2022)
November 2022 DMCC Board Meeting: notable topics: Experience Metrics,  Soldier Fields, Equitable development, Discovery square, Heart of the City

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Destination Medical Center (DMC) (November 11, 2022)
November 2022 DMCC Meeting: Featuring Equity Development 

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DMC Information (September 13, 2022)
July 2022 Destination Medical Center Information Sheet.  

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Destination Medical Center (DMC) 2022 Reports (February 05, 2022)
February 3, 2022

DMCC Board Meeting

City, County, DMC Board Collaborative Session: Featuring Thomas Fisher


Read more ...

Destination Medical Center (DMC) 2H 2021 Meetings (November 14, 2021)
November 4,  2021

Project Discussion (City of Rochester, EDA: Experience metrics, Business Development, 

Project Updates: A. Heart of the City 27 B. Riverfront Reimagined 29 C. Rapid Transit Corridor Development 31 D. District Energy 33 E. McKnight Foundation Grants


September 20211 DMCC Board Meetings information.

Read more ...

November 2020 DMCC Board Meeting (November 21, 2020)
(1) November 2020 Board Meeting (2) 5 Year DMC Plan Updates and Covid Effects

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Destination Medical Center (DMC) Plan 5 Year Update (November 19, 2020)
November Newsletter, 5 Year Plan Update draft, webinars on land investments, DMC status and Covid impacts. Reminder to comment on 5 year plan update 

Read more ...

Destination Medical Center (DMC) September 2019 (September 26, 2019)

September 2019 DMCC Meeting memo about metrics dashboard. 

Read more ...


Last modified by allnode on 2024/06/08
Created by on 2014/05/11




Site Information
Project Phase Definitions
The following defines the various project phases:
  1. Available - a product, program or service is in production
  2. Develop - program or application is being developed
  3. Plan - idea is solid, stakeholders are identified, and there is strong commitment to go forward from all parties.
  4. Concept Phase - idea scoped out with enough details to give an early sizing and/or to build a proof of concept
  5. Pre-concept Phase - an early idea or a requirement.
About Beam
  • For the commercial sector, we tend to register startup activities (new companies and new commercial projects) that bring diversification and high-impact opportunities to the area.
  • For the non-profit sector, we wish to shine light on all the organizations and services that otherwise labor under relative obscurity.
  • Our hope is that will encourage cross-sector collaborations and creative solutions.

While there are a number of registries in the community,'s  distinct value is to pilot a database with a data structure and categorizations that answer the questions such as: What organizations or projects/programs in our community that have purported relevance with some of the over-arching focuses put forward by initiatives such as DMC, J2G and Health Improvements?

This database could be used as one of the ways to explore the capacities of the community. If you are someone on an exploratory journey to learn about the greater Rochester community. could be an interesting first step.

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