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2021 IMAA Presents: "The Pearl Gala"
Located in Community Activities
Belonging Begins with Us - Welcoming Week Celebration
New & old neighbors alike in the Rochester area are invited to come and meet one another as well as the varioius organizations that work to make our community a place where all people thrive.
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Belonging Begins With Us: Why and How of Welcoming New Neighbors
Laura Bordelon with the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce will share the findings from a recently released report on the economic impact of immigrants in Minnesota, conducted by the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce Foundation with support from the McKnight Foundation.
Located in Community Activities
Can you dig it?
Destination Medical Center, Knutson Construction, and the City of Rochester MN invite community families to The Big Dig — learn about the Discovery Walk project in downtown Rochester MN!
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Citizenship Day Celebration at the Olmsted County Government Center
Join Olmsted County and Rochester City Officials to celebrate Citizenship and Constitution Day and recognize those who have recently become naturalized citizens. Cake and coffee will be provided.
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CMRC 2021 Meeting Supporting Welcoming Week
Topics include: Senior Linkage Line and Medicare; Project HEALINGS; Rochester Public Library Focus Groups; Co-design Model; United Way's 21 Day Equity Challenge; Updates from (City, County and RPS)
Located in Community Activities / CMRC
CMRC August 17 2023 Meeting
How to use tech platforms to bring visibility and revenue. CMRC Updates: Engagements - RCTC/Perkins, NIH ComPASS grant scoring, NIH Build UP Trust Challenge, Mayo Clinic: Social Health Impact Digital Innovation, CMRC Future, Member Announcements
Located in Community Activities
CMRC August 17 2023 Meeting
How to use tech platforms to bring visibility and revenue. CMRC Updates: Engagements - RCTC/Perkins, NIH ComPASS grant scoring, NIH Build UP Trust Challenge, Mayo Clinic: Social Health Impact Digital Innovation, CMRC Future, Member Announcements
Located in Community Activities / CMRC
CMRC December 16, 2021 Meeting
Topics include: City of Rochester DEI planning updates; Rochester Public School Updates; Olmsted County Updates; CMRC Steering Committee (Engagement Tracker; CMRC goals)
Located in Community Activities / CMRC
CMRC July 2023 Meeting
Topics: Olmsted County Updates - Joint Study on Race and Racism impacts on BIPOC Health
Located in Community Activities