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December 2021 Community and City for Health
Co Design Guide Update & Next Steps 20 minutes  High-level feedback on graphic language and layout of guide  Evolving/growing co-design support in 2022 o Facilitator training o Marketing and expanded use of co-design guide o Continued co-design project support o DMC Equitable Development Coordinator hiring
Located in Community Activities
June 2024 Rochester Vision 2050 Community Engagement
Our city has undertaken a broad array of initiatives to create a bright future for her citizens and constituencies. These should be guided by a clear, optimistic, aspirational vision. 2050: Far enough for limitless possibilities; close enough to begin today to serve Rochester’s next generation and beyond. Vision 2050 Steering Committee guides this initiative A large volunteer group will put “Vision in Action”, using co-design to engage the community to share ideas and priorities for Rochester’s future.
Located in Community Activities / City of Rochester
Feb 2021 Community and City for Health
Expanding Community Health and Equity Support; Equitable Community Engagement and Co-design Guide/Toolkit
Located in Community Activities
Co-Design Facilitator Spring 2024 Cohort Graduation
Join the Rochester Co-Design Community to celebrate our third Facilitator Cohort Graduation! The graduates each completed 25 hours of training over 4 months, learning skills to support successful and meaningful co-design projects. This celebration will provide an opportunity to connect, network, and recruit our next co-design facilitator cohort. Cake and beverages will be provided. We hope that you can make it. Registration is encouraged but not required.
Located in Community Activities / Co-Design Meeting Folder
Feb 2024 Bi-Monthly Community Co-Design Meeting (By Invitation)
We will be 1) offering updates on co-design projects and training, 2) sharing guidance and tools for co-design project preparation (what questions to ask, how much will it cost, how long will it take, etc), and 3) discuss future co-design opportunities, barriers, and ways we might be able to support them/you.
Located in Community Activities / Co-Design Meeting Folder
America City for Health Meeting
Progress on the co-design training and discuss the 2023 plan for co-design facilitator and leadership training cohorts, as well as look for feedback and direction for recruitment. Share progress and timeline for the Bloomberg Mayors Challenge Prize work.
Located in Community Activities / Co-Design Meeting Folder
April Community of Health
This month, we will offer updates on the co-design guide and training. For the remainder of the meeting, we will share the new focus and possibly name of the “Community for Health” workgroup based on previous meeting discussions and conversations with other DMC stakeholders.
Located in Community Activities / Co-Design Meeting Folder
February 2022 Community and City for Health
Topics include ICI updates; Co-design Tool Kid; Future Discussions
Located in Community Activities / Co-Design Meeting Folder
Feb 2025 Rochester Vision 2050 Community Engagement
Our city has undertaken a broad array of initiatives to create a bright future for her citizens and constituencies. These should be guided by a clear, optimistic, aspirational vision. 2050: Far enough for limitless possibilities; close enough to begin today to serve Rochester’s next generation and beyond. Vision 2050 Steering Committee guides this initiative A large volunteer group will put “Vision in Action”, using co-design to engage the community to share ideas and priorities for Rochester’s future.
Located in Community Activities / City of Rochester
2023 Fall Co-design Leadership Training Session 2 Option 2
Co-design has become a valued and effective community-centric approach to developing healthy and equitable projects, policies, and practices in the Rochester region. However, we have also seen what can happen if co-design is co-opted as just another “box” to be checked. If you are not familiar, co-design is an approach to encourage, compensate, and prioritize the inclusion of diverse populations throughout the design and development process. We would like to invite you to participate in training sessions designed to proactively ensure that those leading organizations and projects are able to create meaningful co-design opportunities and structures for shared decision-making in the work that you do.
Located in Community Activities / Co-Design Meeting Folder