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Chinese Community: Overall Consideration of the Cov-d-19 Vaccine
Affliation with Project HEALINGS to inform the public. In this case Chinese Community.
Located in Community Activities
Hmong Cultural Center Museum Launch
Join for the official launch of the Hmong Cultural Center Museum in this online event!
Located in Community Activities
Working Toward Equality for Minnesotans of Asian and Pacific Islander Heritage
The Council on Asian Pacific Minnesotans is an executive branch, non-cabinet agency tasked with the responsibility of working for the implementation of economic, social, legal, and political equality of Asian Pacific Minnesotans. The council serves Minnesota’s Asian Pacific Islander communities through advocacy, engagement, and cultivating strong partnerships.
Located in Community Activities / EDA Equity Alliance Series
API Day at the Capitol 2022
Democracy in the Time of COVID: Strengthening Our Ties to One Another.
Located in Community Activities
1st Annual AAPI Small Business Expo
Located in Community Activities
Economic and Cultural Exchange (Invitation Only)
Explore the cultural and economic development connectivity potential between MN Metro and Rochester-area resources from a BIPOC perspective and specifically from an MN Asian perspective
Located in Community Activities
Asian Pacific Minnesotans Leadership Awards Dinner: Democracy in the Time of Covid
Strengthening Our Ties to One Another
Located in Community Activities
CAAL: From Stories to Action: Fostering inclusion for Asian Minnesotans in Schools
(1) Student and parent organizers who will share their experiences with anti-Asian hate incidents in the past 2 years, (2) Superintendents from Edina Public Schools, Forest Lake, and St Paul Public Schools.
Located in Community Activities
Panel Discussion: Responding to Anti-Asian Racism During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Located in Community Activities
CAAL Listening Tour - Rochester
Located in Community Activities