CMRC July 2023 Meeting
Topics: Olmsted County Updates - Joint Study on Race and Racism impacts on BIPOC Health
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CMRC July 2023 Meeting
Topics: Olmsted County Updates - Joint Study on Race and Racism impacts on BIPOC Health
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CMRC September 26, 2023 Meeting
Topics: CMRC Partner SBDC Small Business Assistance Partnerships Grant; Superintendent Kent Pekel on Technology Referendum; Community Mobilization Engagement Updates
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CMRC August 17 2023 Meeting
How to use tech platforms to bring visibility and revenue. CMRC Updates: Engagements - RCTC/Perkins, NIH ComPASS grant scoring, NIH Build UP Trust Challenge, Mayo Clinic: Social Health Impact Digital Innovation, CMRC Future, Member Announcements
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Community Activities
CMRC September 26, 2023 Meeting
Topics: CMRC Partner SBDC Small Business Assistance Partnerships Grant; Superintendent Kent Pekel on Technology Referendum; Community Mobilization Engagement Updates
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Community Activities
CMRC August 17 2023 Meeting
How to use tech platforms to bring visibility and revenue. CMRC Updates: Engagements - RCTC/Perkins, NIH ComPASS grant scoring, NIH Build UP Trust Challenge, Mayo Clinic: Social Health Impact Digital Innovation, CMRC Future, Member Announcements
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Rochester Welcomes You! A Welcoming Week Festival
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Destination Medical Center's Annual Meeting
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Gracious Hosting Training - Diversity Council
An engaging workshop about developing cultural inclusivity by exploring the tenets of gracious hosting as they apply to organizations and communities. Participants will draw parallels between their own heritage and culture and those of others.
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Belonging Begins With Us: Why and How of Welcoming New Neighbors
Laura Bordelon with the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce will share the findings from a recently released report on the economic impact of immigrants in Minnesota, conducted by the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce Foundation with support from the McKnight Foundation.
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