2024: The Year of Respect--Mission: Kick-Off
We have two REMARKABLE guests plus a GREAT evening
planned that will both bless and INSPIRE YOU.
George Thompson back in the day was not allowed to
attend High School with white students. Today George
is one of Rochester's most respected citizens. To know
George is to love the man...He is an INSPIRATION.
Israel Rocha has an equally inspiring story. Within the
past two years Israel went from a life long drug addict
who was homeless to DRY, marrying his girl friend,
uniting their family and 7 year old son PLUS gaining
sobriety. His presence exudes valuing people of all
kinds. The Rocha's now have an apartment and bless
Other guests will lift your spirit as we talk about what will
happen this year in 2024 Year of RESPECT.
Located in
Community Activities
2025 Minnesota Joint Disparity Study
Igbal Mohammed
Office of Equity in Procurement - Manager
50 Sherburne Avenue, Suite 112
Saint Paul, MN 55155
(651) 201-2421
Located in
Community Activities
Advancing Equity in the Built Environment
1. An overview of the City of Rochester’s and Destination Medical Center's adopted targeted business and workforce participation goals for 2024; 2. Equity in the Built Environment Program
Located in
Community Activities
EDA Equity Alliance Series
Empowering Immigrant and Refugee Communities
Located in
Community Activities
April 6 CNG Steering Committee Meeting
CNG has a general oral agreement with DMC, J2G to use Minnesota Compass as a common data source and Wilder Research as the contractor. There has been a verbal agreement with DMC and J2G to work toward using a common set of indicators for broad measures of community economic and social vitality and well-being.
In addition, Wilder Research is developing a contract with DMC for the specific indicators that DMC will require.
It is anticipated that Journey to Growth will contract with Wilder Research to assist it with the county profiles that it anticipates developing.
Located in
Archived CNG Info
2016 Meeting Folders
April/March 2016 Meeting Folder
April 10, 2024 Coalition for Rochester Area Housing Alliance: "Rural Trends 2024: Housing Supply and Demand"
"Rural Trends 2024: Housing Supply and Demand" (Ben Winchester from the U of M Extension office)
"Economic Vitality Funding Update" (Taryn Edens, City of Rochester)
Located in
Community Activities
April 2024 Rochester Vision 2050 Community Engagement
Our city has undertaken a broad array of initiatives
to create a bright future for her citizens and
These should be guided by a clear, optimistic,
aspirational vision.
2050: Far enough for limitless possibilities; close
enough to begin today to serve Rochester’s next
generation and beyond.
Vision 2050 Steering Committee guides this
A large volunteer group will put “Vision in Action”,
using co-design to engage the community to share
ideas and priorities for Rochester’s future.
Located in
Community Activities
City of Rochester
August 16 2024 Community Co-design
Welcome to the August Community Co-Design Meeting!
As usual, we will offer updates on trainings and
We will offer an overview and considerations for funding co-design projects and then discuss how
we might best support collaboration with funders to create models that better support co-design projects
around the region.
Located in
Community Activities
Co-Design Meeting Folder
August 17 2022 Age-Friendly Planning
At this meeting, we will begin the planning by creating a community asset inventory that
we will use as an important element of determining priorities for action. Here is how the
inventory is described in the AARP Livability literature:
Located in
Community Activities
Age Friendly Olmsted County
August 2023 DMC: Let’s Spill the T.E.A.
How Transformative Equity Analysis can unveil critical insights and elevate organizational efficacy.
Located in
Community Activities
EDA Equity Alliance Series