August 2024 Rochester Vision 2050 Community Engagement
Rochester Vision 2050
Help Shape Rochester's Future
Rochester Mayor Kim Norton would like to hear your vision for Rochester’s next generation.
Rochester Vision 2050 seeks your input to create a collective vision for our city's future.
Your perspective helps to ensure that our policies, investments, and initiatives align with the collective will and wisdom of our community.
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Community Activities
City of Rochester
Rochester Mayor's State of the City Address
A fresh start for our best future
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Community Activities
City of Rochester
City Council Study Session
Supporting Transformation
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Community Activities
City of Rochester
2025 Minnesota Joint Disparity Study
Igbal Mohammed
Office of Equity in Procurement - Manager
50 Sherburne Avenue, Suite 112
Saint Paul, MN 55155
(651) 201-2421
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Community Activities
Photovoice Photography
Photovoice is a photography exhibit with a twist! This project asked immigrant leaders from within the Latinx and Somali communities to document health issues they see firsthand in our communities through photographs and each make a policy recommendation based on their work.
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Community Activities
City Council Study Session: Future Transformation in the city
Potential for transformation throughout the city will be the topic of a two-part Rochester City Council discussion starting Wednesday.
With Mayo Clinic planning a $5 billion investment with its “Bold. Forward.
Unbound. in Rochester” initiative, city staff will be asking the council for direction amid continuing change in the city.
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Community Activities
Olmsted County: Truth in Taxation Meeting
Property owners wanting to learn more about county budget information are invited to attend a public hearing, the Truth in Taxation meeting, at the Olmsted County Government Center Board Room on December 7, 2023, at 6 p.m.
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Community Activities
Council for Minnesotans of African Heritage: Rochester Listening Session
Discuss the State of Black and African Communities in Rochester. Open to the Public
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Community Activities
Rochester Public Schools Technology Referendum Meeting convened by Rochester Area Nonprofit Consortium
Superintendent Kent Pekel will speak on the referendum that the Rochester School Board has voted to place on the ballot in November to generate funding to enhance technology upgrades, operations, and academic initiatives in Rochester Public Schools.
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Community Activities
In the City for Good: School Referendum
Superintendent Kent Pekel will join
us to share information and address
the upcoming School referendum.
Index cards will be provided for
questions from the audience.
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Community Activities