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CMRC July 2023 Meeting
Topics: Olmsted County Updates - Joint Study on Race and Racism impacts on BIPOC Health
Located in Community Activities / CMRC
Photovoice Photography
Photovoice is a photography exhibit with a twist! This project asked immigrant leaders from within the Latinx and Somali communities to document health issues they see firsthand in our communities through photographs and each make a policy recommendation based on their work.
Located in Community Activities
CMRC July 2023 Meeting
Topics: Olmsted County Updates - Joint Study on Race and Racism impacts on BIPOC Health
Located in Community Activities
Council for Minnesotans of African Heritage: Rochester Listening Session
Discuss the State of Black and African Communities in Rochester. Open to the Public
Located in Community Activities
SBDC: How Do I Start a Business - Session 1
Introduction to starting a business
Located in Community Activities
SBDC: How Do I Start a Business - Session 5
How will people know my business?
Located in Community Activities
SBDC: How Do I Start a Business - Session 6
How do I get started?
Located in Community Activities
SBDC: How Do I Start a Business - Session 4
Managing your money
Located in Community Activities
SBDC: How Do I Start a Business - Session 2
What do I need to start a business?
Located in Community Activities
SBDC: Setting & Adjusting Pricing
Join us to learn about pricing strategies, including how to set initial prices and change them with the market!
Located in Community Activities