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Home Ownership Education
Speakers may include: Mortgage Broker, Real Estate Agent, Home Inspectors, Insurance Agent
Located in Community Activities
Age Friendly Olmsted County Annual Update
Attendees will learn about AFOC 2024 plans for continuing the efforts of the last year and new initiatives related to age friendly businesses and universities.
Located in Community Activities / Age Friendly Olmsted County
Redlining & Racial Covenants
Phil Wheeler Presentation on history of racial covenants in Olmsted County, the homeownership gap, and impacts to affordable Housing
Located in Community Activities
Uncovering Rondo Community Land Trust and the Reparative Framework
Delve into Rondo Community Land Trust’s “WHY” for this important, transformative work.
Located in Community Activities / EDA Equity Alliance Series
Youth Engagement from the Youth Perspective
Discover the fundamentals of engaging with young people from the perspective of the Rochester Community Initiative (RCI), a 100% youth-led nonprofit.
Located in Community Activities / EDA Equity Alliance Series
How Organizations Can Commit to Accessibility
We will explore how organizations can enhance their commitment to accessibility, ensuring inclusivity for all individuals.
Located in Community Activities / EDA Equity Alliance Series
Data-informed tools to drive racial equity and inclusion within organizations
Data-informed tools to drive racial equity and inclusion within organizations: the Racial Equity Dividends Indices
Located in Community Activities / EDA Equity Alliance Series
Enhancing equitable housing opportunities through community initiatives and collaboration
Across the United States, there is a growing emphasis on using community collaboration and partnerships to produce more housing, ensure affordability, and create more opportunities for homeownership to build community wealth. Minnesota has one of the largest racial homeownership gaps in the country.
Located in Community Activities / EDA Equity Alliance Series
Working Toward Equality for Minnesotans of Asian and Pacific Islander Heritage
The Council on Asian Pacific Minnesotans is an executive branch, non-cabinet agency tasked with the responsibility of working for the implementation of economic, social, legal, and political equality of Asian Pacific Minnesotans. The council serves Minnesota’s Asian Pacific Islander communities through advocacy, engagement, and cultivating strong partnerships.
Located in Community Activities / EDA Equity Alliance Series
Advancing Equity in the Built Environment
1. An overview of the City of Rochester’s and Destination Medical Center's adopted targeted business and workforce participation goals for 2024; 2. Equity in the Built Environment Program
Located in Community Activities / EDA Equity Alliance Series