Certification Workshops
Destination Medical Center, City of Rochester, Equity in the Built Environment
Program, and the State of MN Appex Accelerator are partnering to host a series of
Free “Certification Workshops” to help Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs)
and Targeted Group/Economically Disadvantaged/Veteran-Owned (TG/ED/VO)
companies apply for certification.
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Community Activities
Business Practices – a key lever to drive equity in the workplace and community
Garfield Bowen
Vice President of Social & Environmental Justice, 3M
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Community Activities
EDA Equity Alliance Series
Data-informed tools to drive racial equity and inclusion within organizations
Data-informed tools to drive racial equity and inclusion within organizations: the
Racial Equity Dividends Indices
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Community Activities
EDA Equity Alliance Series
Enhancing equitable housing opportunities through community initiatives and collaboration
Across the United States, there is a growing emphasis on using community
collaboration and partnerships to produce more housing, ensure affordability, and
create more opportunities for homeownership to build community wealth. Minnesota
has one of the largest racial homeownership gaps in the country.
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Community Activities
EDA Equity Alliance Series
August 2023 DMC: Let’s Spill the T.E.A.
How Transformative Equity Analysis can unveil critical insights and elevate organizational efficacy.
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Community Activities
EDA Equity Alliance Series
DMC: July 2023 Equity Series Community Wealth Building
Community Wealth Building (CWB) is an exciting new model and practice of economic development that is fast growing within the United States as well as many places across the world. CWB focuses on rewiring wealth and investment flows to build an economy that is inclusive, resilient, and equitable by design.
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Community Activities
EDA Equity Alliance Series
Equity Alliance Equity Series Equity Eats: Reviving Roots, Restoring Ecosystem Economies Through Indigenous Foodways
In this episode we will delve into the transformative mission of the mnfoodrescue.org
Equity Eats initiatives that are at the forefront of restoring and promoting regenerative
food systems across Minnesota. We explore how the initiatives revive Indigenous
foodways, grounded in food web design, while also honoring the rich Indigenous
history in Minnesota and the First Nations' right to food sovereignty. By
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Community Activities
EDA Equity Alliance Series
Working Toward Equality for Minnesotans of Asian and Pacific Islander Heritage
The Council on Asian Pacific Minnesotans is an executive branch, non-cabinet
agency tasked with the responsibility of working for the implementation of economic,
social, legal, and political equality of Asian Pacific Minnesotans. The council serves
Minnesota’s Asian Pacific Islander communities through advocacy, engagement, and
cultivating strong partnerships.
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Community Activities
EDA Equity Alliance Series
Advancing Equity in the Built Environment
1. An overview of the City of Rochester’s and Destination Medical Center's adopted targeted business and workforce participation goals for 2024; 2. Equity in the Built Environment Program
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Community Activities
EDA Equity Alliance Series
Equity Alliance Equity Series Equity Eats: Power of Community Benefits Agreement
In this episode, we look at best practices to both understand the power of community
benefits agreements and how to begin strong campaigns to secure community
benefits agreements if the policy is fitting to the needs of the community.
Located in
Community Activities
EDA Equity Alliance Series